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June 15, 2006

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RxTRA E-News highlights notable professional accomplishments (honors, outreach, publications, patents) and events within The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy. Previous issues are available in our archives. ...MoreClick for more information

E-News from The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy
February 3, 2006

Congratulations to fourth-year PharmD student Sarah Breno, a winner of the "Student Pharmacist One-to-One Patient Counseling Recognition Award Program," endowed by a grant from Johnson & Johnson-Merck Consumer Pharmaceuticals.  According to Tom English, Managing Editor of Student Pharmacist magazine, "Student pharmacists who receive this recognition have performed exemplary one-to-one counseling, resulting in better health, superior communication, and improved outcomes for their patients."  Sarah is among five winners who will receive airfare to San Francisco for the 2006 APhA Annual Meeting, hotel accommodations and complimentary registration.  She will be profiled in Student Pharmacist magazine and will be a guest of honor at the APhA 2006 Opening Reception.  Sarah was nominated by Dr. Mary Powers, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice and ASP Chapter Advisor.

Dr. Eric Sahloff, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice, has been invited to present a poster for the abstract, "Clinical outcomes with concurrent atazanavir and proton-pump inhibitor use," at the 2006 Spring Practice and Research Forum of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy in April.

The college congratulates 467 students on the Dean’s List.  Dr. Christine Hinko, Professor and Associate Dean for Student Affairs, has announced that 194 students in the professional division who received Dean’s List recognition represent approximately 60% of all the professional division students in the PharmD (years 3 & 4) and BSPS (years 3 & 4) programs.  For the pre-professional division, 273 students represent about 30% of all pre-professional students enrolled in Fall 2005.  "This reminds us how accomplished so many of our students are," Dr. Hinko said.

A poster titled, "Developmental Toxicity of Nanoparticles in the Zebrafish, Danio rerio," co-authored by Dr. Fred Williams, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology; BSPS P-Tox student Eric Koegle; William Burmeister, Director of Practicum; and Lori Bestervelt, of NSF International, was presented at the first International Conference on Nanotoxicology: Biomedical Aspects in Miami in late January.

For fourth-quarter ’05 news on the Center for Drug Design & Development (CD3) and the Center for Applied Pharmacology (CAP), see the latest issue of The Centers’ Stage electronic newsletter, published February 2 by Dr. Paul Erhardt, Director of CD3; and Dr. Kenneth Bachmann, Director of CAP.  Look for updates on the centers’ research staff and students, funding, current projects and accomplishments.  To receive The Centers’ Stage, contact , or visit www.cd3plus.utoledo.edu/, where issues will be posted soon.

Dr. Steven Martin, Associate Professor and Interim Chair of Pharmacy Practice, announced the appointment of Dr. Kim Schmude to the faculty as a Clinical Lecturer in January.  Dr. Schmude has been a visiting assistant professor at UT since 2003.  Her area of expertise is ambulatory care.  According to Dr. Martin, "She has been a mainstay in the development of our PharmD students through her work in our practice lab and Patient Care Rounds series."  Dr. Schmude is also a primary instructor in the PPT series, coordinating and teaching Endocrinology.  Dr. Martin added, "We are fortunate to retain her on our faculty."

Dr. Folasade Akala, Director of the Cordelia Martin Health Center Pharmacy, has announced that a new daily record of 324 prescriptions were filled in a six-hour period on January 3.  The center serves a low-income population and is a program of the Neighborhood Health Association.  It represents a partnership with The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy, and Dr. Akala’s staff includes three UT students, two technicians and two part-time pharmacists.

Dr. Marcia McInerney, Professor and Chair of Medicinal and Biological Chemistry, has been named a member of the newly-established Center for Diabetes and Endocrine Research (CeDER) at the Medical University of Ohio (MUO).  Dr. McInerney and Dr. Sonia Najjar, an internationally recognized scientist with MUO who has been named CeDER Director, will be featured in an upcoming issue of UT’s Alumni Magazine for their collaborative study to investigate the Genetic and Dietary Risk Factors in Obesity and Diabetes.

Dr. Rashmi Nair is joining the faculty as an Assistant Professor of Social and Administrative Pharmacy on February 20.  Dr. Nair recently completed her Ph.D. at the University of Louisiana at Monroe.  Her doctoral work focused on factors influencing expenditures, health care resource utilization and quality of life of diabetes patients.  According to Dr. Steven Martin, "Dr. Nair provides an excellent fit with our other faculty members in the division of Social and Administrative Pharmacy, and should complement the Practice division’s work in healthcare and therapeutic outcomes."

Dr. Vincent Mauro, Professor of Clinical Pharmacy, is senior editor of the new Drug Information Handbook for Cardiology.  Dr. Mauro’s co-editor, Dr. Michael Militello ‘92, graduated with a BSP degree from UT and earned a PharmD at OSU, and serves as a clerkship preceptor for our PharmD students.  In a congratulatory note to Dr. Mauro, Dr. Steven Martin wrote, "This is a milestone in anyone’s career, and serves as recognition of your expertise in your field, and your continued contributions in scholarship to the profession.  I appreciate the excellent example you set for our department and junior faculty."

Master’s student Sathish Arcot was named UT’s International Student of the Month in January.  A poster recognizing and introducing Sathish was displayed in the Student Union throughout the month.  Sathish wrote in his profile, "I come from Bangalore, known as the Silicone Valley of India, located in South India.  I don’t open up right away, but once I connect with people, it’s a long journey from then on.  I have had humble beginnings in life, and this has helped me appreciate life in a better sense."  Karen Papadakis, Administrative Secretary in Pharmacology, nominated Sathish for this honor.

Dr. Sharrel Pinto, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Administration, presented the poster, "Can retail pharmacists MTM? Designing and implementing a pharmacist-run disease management program," with sixth-year PharmD student Erin Morgan at the ASHP Midyear Meeting.  Dr. Pinto and Master’s student Zaina Qureshi will present, "Assessing Knowledge and Skills of Pharmacists to Perform Disease Management Services" at the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Contributed Papers Poster Session in San Francisco in March.  At that session, Dr. Pinto and Erin Morgan will also present, "Evaluating the Impact of a Comprehensive Pharmaceutical Care Program on Patients with Diabetes in a Retail Setting."  A paper titled, "Using the Health Belief Model to test factors affecting patient retention in diabetes-related pharmaceutical care services," authored by Dr. Pinto; Dr. Buford T. Lively; Dr. Walter Siganga, Dr. Monica Holiday-Goodman and Dr.Gayle Kamm, has been accepted for publication in June by the journal Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, Vol. 2, Issue 2.

Sixth-year PharmD student Erin Puening was featured as a past National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) Rotation Student in the January 2006 issue of NACDS Student Opportunities electronic newsletter.  According to Barbara Rudnicki, Director of Experiential Programs, Erin served her NACDS rotation last September.

José Treviño, Coordinator of Recruitment and Retention, has been appointed to the Advisory Board for The Next Step Magazine, a national publication targeting high school students and guidance counselors to help students plan for college, careers and life.  José is helping to publish the magazine’s first-ever bilingual Latino Edition, which will be distributed in May to more than 21,000 high schools (and at college fairs) throughout the U.S.

Dr. Curt Black has been named the Honors Advisor.  According to Dr. Katherine Wall, Chair of the Pharmacy Honors Program Committee, "The Pharmacy Honors Program is sure to benefit from Curt’s experience and enthusiasm."

For merger updates, visit a newly-developed website at http://utmuomerger.utoledo.edu/.

Alumni News

Frank Rigelsky ‘02, PharmD, announced in December that he passed his BCPS exam and is now a Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist.  Frank is a Clinical Specialist in Cardiovascular and Critical Care at Hillcrest Hospital Pharmacy Services in the Cleveland Clinic Health System East Region.  "Thank you for those who have helped me to obtain this professional achievement," he wrote in an e-mail to the College.


Mon., Feb. 20 ~ SNPhA presents Cornell McBride ~ 7 p.m., SU Ingman Room ~ Email:

Sat., Mar. 19 ~ TAP Theatre Night, Wally’s Café, Village Players ~ $20 ~ See Donna Haar, WO 2246 for tickets.

Sat., May 6 ~ Pharmacy Graduation ~ 10 a.m., SU Auditorium ~ Call Donna Haar, ext. 1934 for details.

May 18-19 ~ OSHP 67th Annual Meeting ~ Columbus Marriott North ~ Visit www.ohioshp.org for details.

RxTRA E-News is a College newsletter highlighting notable professional accomplishments (honors, outreach, publications, patents) and events.  Target distribution: College, Partnership Board, Alumni Affiliate, campus colleagues and friends.  Please contact Heather Van Doren, Editor, at with news items.

Older articles of interest from past months are available in the archive. ...MoreClick for more information


Dr. Steven Martin has accepted the position of Interim Chair of Pharmacy Practice, as Dr. Curtis Black has resigned from the position to focus on his faculty role. Dr. Monica Holiday-Goodman has accepted the position of Vice Chair. The college publicly thanked Curt for his service at the faculty/staff advancement conference in January, at which the dean presented Curt with a mortar and pestle.

Board Certification
Dr. Mary Borovicka, Assistant Professor and Director of the joint CSU/UT Doctor of Pharmacy program in Cleveland, recently passed the board certification exam for pharmacotherapy. Mary is now a Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist, and can use the designation BCPS in her professional correspondence. This is a difficult examination process, and covers a wide spectrum of pharmacotherapy practice. Mary is already a Board Certified Psychiatric Pharmacist.

As a follow-up to Peter Nagy’s earlier presentation of a Colloquium Lecture and achievement of a Doctor Habil Distinction from the University of Veszprem (Veszprem, Hungary) about one-year ago, in November he presented a second of such lectures and was awarded the title of Professor at The College of Chemical Engineering, University Veszprem where special, honorary ceremonies were held and wherein he received both diplomas. These distinctions now enable him to present both undergraduate and graduate level accredited lectures at universities throughout Hungary.

Older articles of interest from past months are available in the archive. ...MoreClick for more information


CD3 Update
The following article was published in the Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods (vol. 51, pages 57-64) in December: ‘Application of Simple Mathematical Expressions to Relate the Half-lives of Xenobiotics in Rats to Values in Humans.’ This collaborative work stems from discussions between Dr. Keith Ward of GlaxoSmithKLine and Drs. Ken Bachmann and Paul Erhardt at UT, all of who are authors on the paper.

An article entitled ‘Monte Carlo Simulations of the Solution Structure of Simple Alcohols in Water-Acetonitrile Mixtures’ was submitted for publication in the American Chemical Society’s Journal of Physical Chemistry B. This collaborative work stems from discussions between Drs. Peter Nagy and Paul Erhardt, who are joint authors on the paper.

Paul Erhardt accepted an invitation from Elsevier Publishing to contribute the lead chapter to the next printing of Comprehensive Medicinal Chemistry, the latter probably representing globally the most prestigious, multi-volume textual treatment of this field, as well as unquestioningly being the most comprehensive. The first chapter for the first volume which deals with ‘Global Perspectives,’ is to be entitled ‘Histrorical Perspective and Outlook: Current Status of Drug Research’ from which it should be apparent that the selection of Dr. Erhardt for this distinguished honor stems from his earlier and well-received contribution to the Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry entitled ‘Medicinal Chemistry In The New Millennium: A Glance Into The Future.’

Two patents derived from research conducted within the Center for Drug Design and Development have been granted to The University of Toledo. In 2004, a US Patent titled, "Aralkylester Soft Drugs" was issued to Paul Erhardt; and a US Patent titled, "Method and Compositions for Treating Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension Using Aralkylester Soft Drugs" was issued to Paul Erhardt and Moustafa Aouthmany of St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center.

Faculty Publishes in Big Seller
Dr. Mary Powers is the primary co-author of the textbook, "Pharmacy Calculations, Second Edition" (2005). She has also contributed book chapters on Financial Issues and Calculations to "Pharmacy Technician, Second Edition" (2004), the only textbook officially endorsed by the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) -- and the biggest selling pharmacy technician text in the United States. Mary is a major contributing author to the "Pharmacy Technician Workbook and Certification Review" (2004) and has recently co-authored articles published in the "Journal of Biological Chemistry" and the "Journal of Pharmacy Technology".

Alumna Publication
NaaDede O. Badger, PharmD ‘02, has co-authored the paper, "Excessive Anticoagulation and Anaphylactic Reaction After Rechallenge with Lepirudin in a Patient with Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia" in the journal, "Pharmacotherapy," Volume 24, Number 12, 2004.

Faculty Collaboration
Dr. Fred Williams has co-authored a paper titled, "Ethanol Effects on the Developing Zebrafish: Neurobehavior and Skeletal Morphogenesis" in the journal, "Neurotoxicology and Teratology," with faculty members from the University of Wisconsin and the Great Lakes WATER Institute.

Older articles of interest from past months are available in the archive. ...MoreClick for more information


Dean Johnnie L. Early, II Earns ABHP’s Highest Award
The Association of Black Health-system Pharmacists (ABHP) has awarded the prestigious Wendell T. Hill Award to Dean Johnnie L. Early, II. The Hill Award is the highest honor given by the ABHP, named in honor of the first African-American President of the American Society of Health-system Pharmacists (ASHP). "By his continuing dedication and efforts to excel, Dean Early has clearly distinguished himself in his chosen field," said John E. Clark, President of ABHP. Dean Early accepted the award at the ABHP Awards Luncheon held at the 39th Midyear Clinical Meeting of ASHP in Orlando, Florida in December.

The National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) Foundation has awarded a scholarship to Kristen Newbrough, a fourth-year PharmD student at The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy. The Foundation awarded $60,000 in scholarships to 29 students, who were selected from 440 applicants nationwide.

Clinical Skills Competition
As finalists in UT’s Clinical Skills Competition, sixth-year PharmD students Jessica Fox and Renee Striker were awarded complimentary registration to the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting in Orlando in December, plus $200 in travel expenses from UT and $250 from Pfizer, thanks to alum Dana Fitzsimmons ’76. Faculty member Anita Tuckerman ‘95/’98 coordinated the competition with assistance from alum Laura Manzey ‘87/’93 and judges Vince and Laurie Mauro and Cindy Dusik. Sixth-year PharmD students Lori Huber and Lisa Snyder also competed, earning them $200 in travel expenses to the meeting as well.

Students’ Pick
Kappa Psi and Lambda Kappa Sigma honored Dr. Mary Powers as Faculty Member of the Year in November.

Dr. Steven Martin has been inducted as a Fellow in the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. Fellowship is awarded in recognition of continued excellence in clinical pharmacy practice, research and education. Dr. Vince Mauro is also a Fellow in the College.

Faculty and Staff Members Awarded
Donna Haar was named the college’s 2004 Staff Member of the Year and Paul Erhardt received the college’s 2004 Outstanding Researcher Award at the staff holiday luncheon in November. Paul and Donna were also among those awarded at UT’s Employee Recognition Ceremony in December. College awardees included:
~ 25 Years of Service ~
Dr. Curtis Black
Dr. Christine Hinko

~ 15 Years of Service ~
Dr. Buford Lively
Linda McPherson

~ 10 Years of Service ~
Dr. Paul Erhardt
Donna Haar
Pam Hennen
Kathy Zember

~ 5 Years of Service ~
Deborah Sobczak
CD3 Partnerships
The CD3 has finalized a two-year sponsored research agreement with Pfizer Labs to net $880,000 for UT in both dollars and equipment.

Continuing its support of the collaboration between UT and MCO in the area of cancer diagnostic agents, the CD3 completed a multi-gram synthesis of an initially promising agent that is on route to more advanced stages of confirmatory, biological testing experiments. The CD3 received $7,500 for this service which was largely undertaken by Wieslaw Klis, and to a certain extent by Matt O’Kane who also stepped-in as an ad hoc CD3 member for this particular effort.

Iacocca Fellow
Dr. Marcia McInerney was among the exclusive group of 51 distinguished fellows invited in October to the Iacocca Foundation’s 20th Anniversary celebration on Ellis Island. "The Iacocca Foundation was created with one purpose in mind -- to fund the most innovative and promising diabetes research," said Lee Iacocca. Dr. McInerney, who served the Joslin Diabetes Center Fellowship in 1998-1999, is the only fellow representing the Midwest. The UT News featured Marcia’s achievement on the front page of a recent issue.

Older articles of interest from past months are available in the archive. ...MoreClick for more information


CD3 Activities
Accepting a prestigious invitation, Paul Erhardt attended the U.S. National Academy of Sciences’ National Committees Meeting that dealt with IUPAC Interactions held in Washington, DC in November.

In November, the CD3 hosted a mini-symposium for selected invitees from MCO and UT wherein the status of our PAM Inhibitors for Prostate Cancer program was reviewed and discussed. This is the first of the CD3’s programs that has identified a new drug candidate that merits advanced testing in in vivo rodent models.

Paul Erhardt delivered a seminar to the Departments of Biology and Pharmacology in November titled ‘Esmolol Stat (The Birth Of Soft Drug Technology) And Beyond.’ From the opening slide wherein some of the cast from the popular TV series ‘ER’ were quoted as shouting for "esmolol stat," to the final slides wherein esmolol’s originating ‘Cinderella company’ is shown walking away with $ 425 M, very few heads were lowered to the table tops during this one-hour-plus presentation that details Dr. Erhardt’s chemical discovery of this unique, life-saving cardiovascular drug.

Older articles of interest from past months are available in the archive. ...MoreClick for more information

©2006 College of Pharmacy - The University of Toledo - 2801 W. Bancroft St. - Toledo, OH 43606 - 419.530.1904
Report any problems: - General Disclaimer - This Page Last Modified: 03/30/06

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