Lambda Kappa Sigma

-International Professional Pharmacy Fraternity-
...To promote the profession of pharmacy among women and advance women within the profession by developing its members as individuals and leaders through the support of fellow members while encouraging a high standard of professional ethics and scholarships
Professional Activities and Service Activities
- Speakers
- Job Opportunities
- Networking
- Various Nursing Home Activities including carving pumpkins, taking flowers, visiting etc.
- Bowling for Kids (in conjunction with Big Brothers/Big Sisters)
- Sponsor a Christmas family (buy various gifts for mother and children)
- Project HOPE (a service project combined with a social get-together)
- Alcohol Awareness Banner
Social Activities
- LOTS of activities with Kappa Psi's (our brother fraternity: including picnics, attending sporting events including basketball and football games, participating in football and volleyball games, halloween party, formals, service projects, just about any excuse to get together!)
- Movie nights
- Scavenger hunts
- Dinner evenings
- College of Pharmacy Formal in Spring
If interested please contact Lambda Kappa Sigma at
